The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ: How the death of Jesus occurred and what you should know about it.
Reading Time:3 mins
Table of Contents
How Was Jesus Crucified?
Why was Jesus Crucified?
How can the death of Jesus save so many people?
Was Jesus God Himself?
How Was Jesus Christ Crucified?
The Crucifixion Model of Jesus Christ.
The process was meant to be a deep torture starting the very moment one is sentenced to death by crucifixion. Thats why in the accounts given by eyewitnesses, you see Jesus Christ being beaten and tormented even before the cross. (Luke 22:63)
This torment came as both physical and emotional. If you consider the real incident, you will realize that the movies you have seen do not display the full story of the death of the Messiah. When you hear that they took his coat and divided it among themselves, it is beyond what you can see between the lines there.
The crucifixion required the victim to be stripped naked. (John 19:23) This was to bring humiliation to the condemned. After this, the victim had to be nailed to the cross using the hands and the feet. This was done in an open space to allow many people to behold the death of the condemned.
What really killed people during Crucifixion.
The body of the person was suspended with the nails on the hands fastened to the cross. This made it nearly impossible for anyone to breath since the lungs will be pressured by the whole weight of the body and the outstretched arms.
The victim would momentarily push himself up with his legs to breathe but since the legs were also in pain they would do so only for a short time. The periodic up and down motion ensured that the subject got drained of all energy before finally giving up.
In the event of those miscellaneous ones that took longer time to die, the ones in charge of the crucifixion would break their legs so that they let go of the fight and eventually give up the ghost. It was horrific.
Thats why in the Bible it is said that a soldier was sent to break the legs of Jesus Christ and found out that he was already dead. (John 19:31-33) It was a formal checkup that was done just to make sure that the verdict passed was executed.
This means that it wasn't the nails or loss of blood that killed people during crucifixion. It was suffocation leading to shortage of oxygen in the body. (Luke 23:46)
Why was Jesus Crucified?
The Divine Plan.
It is without doubt that everyone understands the coexistence of evil and good on earth. The story goes a long way, but it can be simply summed up as one being God's deed, and the other, the deed of Satan.
Looking at everything in light of that, we realize that evil corrupted God's creation. This evil brought a lot of calamities to men which led us to have a world that we have now. Sicknesses, disasters, tragedies, and wars resulted due to the devils' agendas.
The situation led to God having a redemptive plan. This would ensure freeing human beings from the influences of the evil one. However, that plan wouldn't be successful given that men continue living in sin, which works complement those of the evil one.
In that light, the Lord sent Jesus, his son, who came and exercised dominion over sin and all elements of this dark world. The Lord Jesus Christ showcased total devotion to God and supremacy over the devil.
The Keys of Death
The Lord had to liberate humanity in all aspects of life. However, man was doomed to death, due to sin and so Jesus died and faced death. This was to make sure that after making life easier for men by freeing them from the influence of the evil one, they wouldn't be doomed together with the devil in the end times. (1 Peter 3:18)
That means it's not only resurrection that Jesus made possible for people. He liberated humanity from the grip of the devil in this life also. That means we don't have to hope in Christ making things better for us after death, but we can enjoy the benefits starting the moment we believe in him. (1 John 4:4)
If you look at it from the book of Genesis, you realize that our journey on earth begins with a charge from God that due to disobedience, we will be subject to death. (Genesis 2:17) In the book by the apostle, the last enemy to be destroyed is death. (1 Corinthians 15:26) So, in a sense, Christ died so that he can remove people from this timeline into a future timeline where death is defeated. (Galatians 1:4)
How can the death of Jesus Christ save so many people?
Trillions have walked the earth since the world began and even since the time Christ died and resurrected. The common question is, how then can one man save the whole world. It is a question I find many atheists affirming trying to disprove Christianity.
One Brought Sin
Let me bring you back to an understanding of the normal human being. The reason why man find it normal to sin is because of one sin committed by Adam and Eve. (Romans 5:12-17) These were the first humans from where we all descend.
Adam disobeyed the order that the Lord had given him. You realize that it was actually Adam and Eve that both sinned so because of marriage, we view them as one since they were united by marriage, which thing the Lord say people become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)
That means we are sinful because of one person. The sin of disobedience is what we all are born into and live with until death. In other words, sin isn't a foreigner to you, it is your nature. (Psalms 51:5)
Another Brought Life
Jesus on the other hand came and obeyed God in all areas of his bidding. (1 Peter 2:22) He made sure every command was fulfilled. As a result, he became a person that was counted for righteousness. This means that if Jesus has descendants, those descendants are not subject to sin. (John 1:12-14)
They are not carnal. It's very much abnormal for them to be influenced by the devil. These are above and beyond death. (Romans 6:8-10) They don't live subject to the elements of the world.
Jesus then gives EVERYONE the opportunity to be descended from him through believing in him. (John 3:16) This belief brings about the new life as one receives the Holy Spirit and becomes a new creature. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Therefore, trillions can believe, and the spiritual transformation is set to occur irrespective of number of people who decide to go with this. Only faith counts. (Romans 1:17)
Was Jesus God Himself?
Adam Exercises Dominion
It starts in the book of Genesis. God gave dominion on earth to Adam. (Genesis 1:26-28) After that God makes Eve, and caused Adam to give Eve a name. Now, the name Eve means mother of all living. That means Adam literally made a law that if anyone is going to be alive on earth, they have to come from Eve.
So, it is typically an act of breaking the physical law set by Adam for anything spiritual to materialize into the physical and be living just as the humans are. Thats why demons have to continue being spiritual, and angels also.
🤔Remember.........(Genesis 6:1-3)
Sometime back when the angels came to stay with humans, God brought destruction to the earth because they had broken a physical law. they had entered the physical world without coming from Eve, according to the word of Adam and so the world was corrupt, and evil was everywhere.
Jesus is The Creator
God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. (2 Corinthians 5:19) That means if you look at Jesus, you are seeing a man who housed God whilst he had his dealings on the earth. Think of it as Jesus being the outward skin on the human body whilst God is the internal systems inside. (Colossians 1:15)
Thats the closest description of Jesus and the moment you understand it, you realize that God and Jesus are inseparable. (John 14:6) God simply took the flesh of man to fulfill the words of Adam that all the living come from Eve.
So, God couldn't just hope in on the earth telling people to repent. He needed to be "living" in this physical body (from Eve), and so he could redeem humankind. He needed Eve, because he can't go against his word in that he said he gave Adam all dominion.
In all ways you look at it, one thing is certain, Jesus is the form God took so that he can be a man in order to redeem his creation.
Receiving Salvation
If you would believe in what Jesus did for mankind today and confess his lordship over your life, you would be born into the kingdom of God and that will be the beginning of a new life. Pray the prayer below, and believe in your heart, and the lord will change your life. (Romans 10:9-10)
The Prayer of Salvation
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I have heard your message, and I have believed on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Be the lord of my life, create in me a new heart and forgive my sins. I receive of your nature today. May you give me the Holy Spirit whom you promised all that believe in your name. Amen.
What should I do now
Begin to let your heart out to God soon after this prayer. Tell him of all your sins, no matter how big, and he will forgive you. As you are doing this, you will notice words coming from within you((Not in your language). Just say them out. Those are words of the Holy Spirit. Your mind will tell you to stop because it can't explain this but keep on going and take your time to immerse yourself in God's presence.
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