Awakening An Endless Flow of Revelation From Within You: How to Understand When You Are Reading The Bible

 Awakening An Endless Flow of Revelation From Within You: How to Understand When You Are Reading The Bible 


Lethatron James

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Thirst For Knowledge.

The Secret of Time.

State Of Mind.

Go Beyond The Text.

It is Simple!

Thirst For Knowledge.

When the Holy Spirit comes upon each and everyone of us, He brings the presence of Heaven into our lives. We become awake, spiritually, and immediately develop a deep desire to know more about the Kingdom of God.

This spiritual thirst is a very esoteric thing in the spiritual realm because it communicates the need for spiritual information in your life. The desire to know more about the kingdom of God is not something to be ignored.

As the Holy Ghost continues to move your spirit towards seeking knowledge: abilities, gifts and skills are activated and developed during the process. The Holy Spirit works with what you know, in order to bring you more information. 

This implies that the more spiritual information you have that resonate with what the Holy Spirit wants you to do at a particular time, the easier it is for you to flow with the Holy Spirit.

Knowing the Bible does exist, which we have deemed to be the basic source of knowledge with regards to the Creator of the universe, we all make use of this resource in our quest for knowledge.

The great concern however is that we all perceive things differently and this affects our understanding of the Bible. Each and everyone has what they think regarding what God supposedly said, but does it really have to be like this?

The number of denominations in existence today, all claiming to be following one Jesus Christ is astounding. Since I came to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, I never wondered why this is the case because I knew it right away.

I want to give you keys, keys to completely eradicate ignorance from your life and lead you to attaining a deeper level of revelation than you expected to ever operate in. Studying God's word using these keys will make your moments with God worth cherishing. Make sure you follow closely.

1. The Secret of Time.

Every serious christian makes it a point to make up time to read the word of God. If you are not doing this, this might just be the right time to make sure you update your daily schedule.

However this is not really what I am talking about here. You see, even the most dangerous atheists, who thinks that they have looked into all evidence on the existence of God and found it wanting, have at one point read the Bible.

We all expect that they were supposed to be changed by that encounter and have their eyes opened to reality but that's not what happened. The main reason is that although they read the same Bible we all read, they already read it the wrong way. This is why it didn't speak to them like it did to us.

You certainly can not expect to understand something if you are not reading it well. I have come to realise that when you take your time in looking at a particular portion of scripture and just follow it, without trying hard to understand it but merely focusing on it, revelation will begin to flow.

In the spiritual dimension, information is only obtained by those who seek for it. One quality of a seeker is an understanding that time is a very valuable investment. Don't study scriptures from just the surface, take your time focusing on that scripture and you will see what will happen.

2. State Of Mind.

The people who walked the earth at the time of Jesus seemed so blind to what the scriptures had clearly said about Jesus. What's amazing is the fact that they would reference the scriptures trying to disprove the Son of God.

However, some approached the matter without any preconceived ideas and as a result, received the Christ. When you read the Bible, make sure that everything you know is at risk of losing residence in your life. Be willing to reset your life in response to God's word.

If you approach the Bible as a drunkard, where the Bible points out important revelations about drinking, you will certainly miss all of that because there is a blockage already set in your mind.

Jesus said for us to be like little children. Approach scripture like a little child who is willing to take whatever is put before him without questioning. The Spiritual Law is that God will only reveal to you what you want to be revealed to you.

3. Go Beyond The Text

We have to study the word of God because merely reading it will make us miss a lot of things. The word of God is so rich with what we need, will need and even needed at a particular point in time. This is why we really have to extract all we can from the word of God.

To do this, we have to realise that study is not at all browsing through a particular material. The goal is to understand a text up to the last detail. If God said this, why did he have to say it? Not only that, but why did he say it this way? etc

Understand that the actual answers will not come from your much study and looking into various sources, but from the Holy Spirit. As you receive knew information about what you are reading, your mind becomes active and ready to know the mind of the spirit.

It is during this moment that everything becomes spiritual, and your mind wonders off to a particular location with your mind quickened to think in a particular way and boom, you receive divine wisdom. God, I love this part.

It is Simple!

Studying the word of God should be enjoyable to you. It is not burdensome. You really have to enjoy it. Leave a comment below this post and let me know your thoughts on this. You have to understand that you are a child of God and God wants to see you grow.

I suggest you opt to get more resources that I have personally made by the help of the Holy Spirit. These have come about due to deep study of the scriptures and waiting upon the Holy Spirit. CLICK HERE to see what is available as of yet, and expect more in the future.

Make sure to implement these simple ,yet powerful keys into your life and see your devotion time shift to a whole new plane. May the revelations of God be so available to you in the name of Jesus Christ.

TASK: We are all sent as labourers in this world to bring the message of God to his creation. I would love to have you co-labor with me and share this post on at least one of your social media accounts. Thank you very much in advance. God bless you.



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